1 Mart 2016 Salı

Scientists discover 8000-year-old hand prints in ancient cave were NOT made by humans

Anthropologists probing the discovery of tiny 8000-year-old hand prints in the eerie Egyptian Cave of Beasts say they were not made by human hands.

Explorers stumbled across the tiny hand imprints after unearthing more than 5000 images carved into the stone in Egypt's southwest border with Libya 14 years ago.

A study of the hand prints show that not only are they not human - but that they are believed to belong to tiny lizards.

The cave, which is also known as Wadi Sura II, has been the focus of study for Emmanuelle Honoré of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research for years.

She said she was stunned when she saw the shape of the small prints. "They were much smaller than human baby hands, and the fingers were too long," she told National Geographic.

The scientists took measurements of the stencils and compared them to those of newborn human infants under a year, including newborn premature babies that were 26 to 36 weeks old. But came to the startling conclusion that the prints were not human and instead were created by lizards.

But while Honoré is sure the prints were made by tiny crocodiles or lizards - she is unsure of the reason why they are there. Or why any civilization would want to draw or use the legs of animals on their cave walls.

Even though the fingerprints are interesting, the figures depicted are much more interesting.

A closer look at the several images show besides many different human-like species also human looking lizard creatures.

I have highlighted three figures: Two human-like species and a human-like lizard creature or reptilian humanoid.

Reptilian or Reptoid is a word mixed from reptilians and humanoids and are human looking lizard creatures. It is said that these reptilians are living inside the earth.

The dessert is the world's largest and is the size of Western Europe and goes from Egypt into Libya, Sudan and Chad. It is one of the driest places on earth - but wouldn't have necessarily been so when the images were made - since there would have been water to sustain life.


Major bolide explodes over Scotland - Video

Many people have reported a major bolide sighting over Northern Scotland during the evening of Mon 29-Feb-2016.

The fireball appears to be an unknown/undetected meteor/meteorite, turned night in to day for a few seconds and produced one or more sonic booms in the atmosphere.

Jenni Morrison was driving home from work on the A944 from Westhill to Alford at 6.45pm when she spotted the fireball light up the sky.

She told Sky News: "I thought what the hell was that! My son said it was a meteorite. It was like a light switch going on and off.”

"I knew it wasn't lightning and it was kind-of scary and amazing at the same time."

There are several dashcam and security camera recordings of the event.


29 Şubat 2016 Pazartesi

Australian Weathercam captured strange spherical object in the sky over Brisbane

A guest camera in the Australian Weathercam Network, owned and operated by North Brisbane Data Recovery captured a rare phenomenon, what looks like a spherical object surrounded by clouds, in the sky over Brisbane, Australia on February 29, 2016.

At first glance it looks like it just cloud forming or a reflection of the sun or camera, but as the phenomenon appears out of nowhere and turns slowly into a circular shape we may wonder whether it is cloud forming/reflection or it is something like a second sun, an ‘invisible’ planet or a decloaking object?


Mysterious triangular objects spotted over Newcastle, UK

Two unknown objects flying in formation over Newcastle upon Tyne, England.

Witness states: I was driving on the A19 and it was a sunny clear day and blue skies on January 11, 2016 when I noticed which I thought was a military aircraft very high altitude making big swooping turns it had a contrail so I took a picture of it on my Iphone.

I then took a second picture of it and then carried on driving and just watched it until I could no longer see it I then continued to my destination and thought nothing of it.

Second Picture.

It was then I got home and was scrolling through my pictures and on the second picture I took I noticed on the far right of the picture there was something which looks like a twin diamond shape or triangle with a sort of faint contrail coming from it which I did not see on the day I took the pictures.

I have added the two original pictures for you to take a look at to see if anybody can figure them out.

I am a very open minded person however this could be something completely rational but it seems very strange that I did not notice it at the time of taking the pictures of the military craft?

Hopefully somebody can explain what this was. Mufon case 74879.

Note: Could it be the infamous TR3B, a craft as shown in the image below or is it a type of craft of unknown origin?

Image craft bottom right is the new secret B-21 Stealth bomber. The US Air Force has unveiled the first image of its next-generation bomber. The all-black plane has a distinctive, zigzagging shape and a low profile designed to make it hard to spot on radar.

According to Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James the new stealth bomber has yet to be built, but she provided the world with the first glimpse of the project using an artist's rendering.

28 Şubat 2016 Pazar

The Four Horsemen appear in the sky over Malaysia

According to the Book of Revelation by Saint John, the events that follow the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are described as the Great Tribulation.

The prophetic timeline of the ‘Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’ started with the white horse when the horseman began his ride on 9/11/2001.

The following mysterious image of the four horsemen was taken in the skies over Nilai, Malaysia in 2009 and could be a sign of God trying to get your attention that the situation in the world getting worse.

And remember the second sign when a ghost horse and his rider appeared during the 2011 rioting in Cairo, Egypt. Again a warning that we are on the verge of collapse?

Prophetic timeline of the ‘Four Horsemen': 

White Horse 
Evil King and War 

Red Horse 
Suffering - Attack on Peace 

Black Horse 
Economic Recession, Riots 

Pale Horse 
Economic Recession, Riots, Suffering, Attack on Peace, Destruction, Death 

Until today, a new sign has failed to materialize in the sky, but it will not surprise me if another ghost horse will appear in the sky in a short period of time. According to the Great Tribulation, the real horrors will begin in the year 2017 and are far more destructive and impact the globe in ways you cannot imagine.

Video below: Ghost Horse 2011 rioting in Cairo. Watch from 1:17 onwards.


Is The Mark Of The Beast Here?

As advancements in science and technology continue to develop in our lives, a profound shift is on the horizon. We now live in a world where college students are implanting RDIF chips into their hands. The level of concern in the church is profoundly lacking.

You've heard of the mark of the beast and that it will be a mark in the right hand or forehead, this is in religious texts such as the bible.

The message is clear, and now we see the chip that is being tested and being implanted in to test subjects in the right hand! Watch the video and see how the new chips have a 5 pointed pentagram, surely not a coincidence either. It is the mark of the beast and it isn't even subtle!

What I think is that with all the attacks around the world like what we see now on a daily basis that the higher powers will say this chip is the key to sustaining security, being able to monitor and track everyone for the good of humanity.

Not sure if it will be essential that everyone must have it, but that won't surprise me either. Initially I think it will be given as an option to every person.

A lot of the younger generation especially brought in to this world with technology and with no clue of the words of the bible will jump straight in and have the implant. The older generation and people who are well researched will shy away from it, but a proportion of these two groups will then fall in to the trap too and think that all is ok, there isn't anything to worry about.......wrong!

I think the Pope will still be an influential figure in the rollout of this chip. He is getting himself involved in the latest technological and scientific projects as well as moving away from the teachings of the bible it seems.

CNET: The Pope seems to be turning his focus on Silicon Valley's major tech players. He spent about 15 minutes in a private meeting with Tim Cook on 22 January, 2016 a week before that he had met former Google chief executive Eric Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt is now executive chairman of Alphabet, the parent company of Google.

What concerns me is that eventually anyone that has the chip can be monitored and even programmed.

Who knows what these chips are capable of!

Mind control making people turn against each other, fulfilling roles for other people in power, carrying out tasks, even having the power to kill people at will.

Maybe these chips can be hacked and viruses implanted which can control the masses for an agenda. It's all too scary to think about but the possibilities are there!

They say it could be part of the beast system what will it do to the people that have the chip?

Will it have the potential to remove the soul? Will this be the test to show whether we turn against God and choose to sacrifice, fighting against evil and giving up our souls?

By Aaron.


The Rise Of The New Reich And Deep State America

A fascinating look at the Rise of The New German Reich carefully planned and executed by members of a Nazi Underground who integrated themselves in a stealth fashion into the American Deep State!

European Union, Nazi International, President George H. W. Bush and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.

This episode explores the deep state ties between the setting up of the EU and its relation to a plan devised in Nazi Germany to create a puppet federation that was vouchsafed for later generations.

Farrell delves deeply into the interface of a secret government planning operations to reinstall a New Reich to dominate a 21st Century world!

Through mechanisms like the establishment of a European Union, Single Currency, CERN and a Corporate Cartel.

 The plan got an amazing headstart when President George H. W. Bush Sr., whose father Senator Prescott Bush was prosecuted by the FDR Administration for doing business with the Nazi Enemy, helped install Helmut Kohl (who had bizarre ties to Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh) with his effort for the reunification of Germany to get underway in 1990 and create an economic engine that has now made it the 5th largest economy in the world!

McCarthyism, The Madrid Circular. FDR, John and Robert Kennedy.

Together, Dark Journalist and Dr. Farrell look at the strange rise of Senator McCarthy in the nineteen fifties and his endless supply of damaging intelligence and compromising connections on high officials, likely being fed to him by former Nazis still at war with their communist enemy, holdovers from a mysterious deal struck by FDR during World War II, inside the umbrella of the National Security State.

McCarthy overplays his hand and is ultimately destroyed, but his two staunch allies, Senators John and Robert Kennedy, take up a better cause when they haul leading figures of the mafia before senate subcommittees to unravel the deep state, black budget forces operating with impunity because of their deep ties to the CIA, as the Kennedy's realize who the real enemy is.

During this period a strange document appears in Europe that suggests the war never ended and that by working within a covert system a new Nazi Reich can be installed after Russia and America are weakened from within by careful manipulation of social and geopolitical forces.

Are we seeing this prediction of The New Reich come true now in the 21st century?

26 Şubat 2016 Cuma

Mysterious humming sound in the Pacific Ocean may be caused by deep sea creatures

Mysterious 'buzzing in the Pacific Ocean may be caused by deep sea creatures emitting gas that acts like 'a dinner bell'

Now researchers have discovered an eerie new attribute of this little-known region: a subtle low humming sound that emanates from its depths every day around dawn and dusk.

The sound comes from the ocean's mesopelagic zone, a region between 660 to 3,300 feet below the surface that's too dark for photosynthesis to occur.

“It’s not that loud, it sounds like a buzzing or humming, and that goes on for an hour to two hours, depending on the day,” said Simone Baumann-Pickering, co-author of the study, in a statement.

Researchers suspect that it may be coming from an organism, or perhaps many organisms chanting in unison, but no known marine creature could be matched to the noise.

It might be coming from a species yet to be identified, or it might be evidence of a new capability of an already-known creature.

Then again, it might be coming from a non-living source too. Anyhow, the source of the hum remains a mystery, to say the least.


25 Şubat 2016 Perşembe

Saucer-shaped object captured flying over the Irazu Volcano in Cartago, Costa Rico

I was with my girlfriend visiting Irazu Volcano national park in Cartago Costa Rica on February 24, 2016. The weather was really nice. Very good sun light not cloudy.

This Volcano is 3400 meters of altitude above sea level close to the biosphere. So we were above the clouds. Like when you fly on airplane. The sky was really clear so at 11:00 am on that altitude part of the sky was light black.

We were taking pictures of the volcano and the landscape. The clouds looked like a white sea but I noticed close to one of the mountains some clouds with different forms, so I started to take pictures there.

Once we finish the tour we headed back home. While I was checking the pictures I noticed one black circle above the mountains I noticed before.

On the picture you can see the object completely clear. It looked like a circular saucer with 2 little antennas one on the top of it and like one on it's tail. Mufon case 74756.

24 Şubat 2016 Çarşamba

Humanoid Robot: Technological Advance or Harbinger of Robot Takeover?

AI takeover refers to a hypothetical scenario in which artificial intelligence (AI) becomes the dominant form of intelligence on Earth, with computers or robots effectively taking control of the planet away from the human race.

The development of full Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to make lives easier by understanding human desires or driving people's cars, but if it were uncontrolled, the technology could pose a serious threat to society even it could spell the end of the human race according to British physicist Stephen Hawking.

Shane Legg is co-founder of DeepMind Technologies, an AI startup that was bought for Google in 2014 states: "AI is now where the internet was in 1988. Demand for machine learning skills is quite strong in specialist applications (search companies like Google, hedge funds and bio-informatics) and is growing every year."

"I expect this to become noticeable in the mainstream around the middle of the next decade. I expect a boom in AI around 2020 followed by a decade of rapid progress, possibly after a market correction."

"Human level AI will be passed in the mid 2020’s, though many people won’t accept that this has happened. After this point the risks associated with advanced AI will start to become practically important…I don’t know about a “singularity”, but I do expect things to get really crazy at some point after human level AGI has been created. That is, some time from 2025 to 2040."

Google-owned Boston Dynamics released a video of its humanoid robot Atlas, a tough-as-nails robot who can resist a human's attempt to trip and knock packages from its hands. 


And what if you couldn't tell the difference between man and machine? 

Since probably many people looking in from the outside might not realize that artificial intelligence will one day outsmart humans, and there is no guarantee that it will be benevolent.

Even there is the possibility that the Internet will become self-aware.

Most people agree the internet is not consciously alive. Currently, the internet accepts inputs and is pretty good at producing outputs, depending on browser, apps, hardware, search engines, coding factors, and, of course, the people using it.

The scary fact, though, is that on a long enough timeline, the many billions of operations on the internet every second will no longer just be following pre-described patterns, but will begin to evolve on their own.

According to MotherboardVice, the question of whether the internet will become self-aware is not if it will happen, but when.

More likely, the internet will become alive because of aliens.

Extraterrestrial intelligence's are likely interested in the internet on Earth, probably because it’s an easy way to monitor and even mass control human beings.

So there’s plausible reason for advanced extraterrestrial intelligence to beam some advanced programming code or virus from a far-off system that would reprogram our internet to do its bidding—one that is super-intelligent, could closely watch us, and could shut us down before we do anything stupid.