1 Mart 2016 Salı

Scientists discover 8000-year-old hand prints in ancient cave were NOT made by humans

Anthropologists probing the discovery of tiny 8000-year-old hand prints in the eerie Egyptian Cave of Beasts say they were not made by human hands.

Explorers stumbled across the tiny hand imprints after unearthing more than 5000 images carved into the stone in Egypt's southwest border with Libya 14 years ago.

A study of the hand prints show that not only are they not human - but that they are believed to belong to tiny lizards.

The cave, which is also known as Wadi Sura II, has been the focus of study for Emmanuelle Honoré of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research for years.

She said she was stunned when she saw the shape of the small prints. "They were much smaller than human baby hands, and the fingers were too long," she told National Geographic.

The scientists took measurements of the stencils and compared them to those of newborn human infants under a year, including newborn premature babies that were 26 to 36 weeks old. But came to the startling conclusion that the prints were not human and instead were created by lizards.

But while Honoré is sure the prints were made by tiny crocodiles or lizards - she is unsure of the reason why they are there. Or why any civilization would want to draw or use the legs of animals on their cave walls.

Even though the fingerprints are interesting, the figures depicted are much more interesting.

A closer look at the several images show besides many different human-like species also human looking lizard creatures.

I have highlighted three figures: Two human-like species and a human-like lizard creature or reptilian humanoid.

Reptilian or Reptoid is a word mixed from reptilians and humanoids and are human looking lizard creatures. It is said that these reptilians are living inside the earth.

The dessert is the world's largest and is the size of Western Europe and goes from Egypt into Libya, Sudan and Chad. It is one of the driest places on earth - but wouldn't have necessarily been so when the images were made - since there would have been water to sustain life.


Major bolide explodes over Scotland - Video

Many people have reported a major bolide sighting over Northern Scotland during the evening of Mon 29-Feb-2016.

The fireball appears to be an unknown/undetected meteor/meteorite, turned night in to day for a few seconds and produced one or more sonic booms in the atmosphere.

Jenni Morrison was driving home from work on the A944 from Westhill to Alford at 6.45pm when she spotted the fireball light up the sky.

She told Sky News: "I thought what the hell was that! My son said it was a meteorite. It was like a light switch going on and off.”

"I knew it wasn't lightning and it was kind-of scary and amazing at the same time."

There are several dashcam and security camera recordings of the event.